ECRTS 2023

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Our chair was represented with substantial contributions at the 35th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2023) in Vienna: On Tuesday, July 11, Peter Wägemann organized the 21st International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2023). The following day, Eva Dengler presented FusionClock: Energy-Optimal Clock-Tree Reconfigurations for Energy-Constrained Real-Time Systems, a paper on minimizing the energy requirements of energy-constrained real-time systems on embedded systems using the clock tree. Later on that day Phillip Raffeck presented his work “Ecology-Aware Material Use as a Pervasive Trait in Intermittent Real-Time Systems”. On Thursday, Tim Rheinfels followed on Thursday with A New Perspective on Criticality: Efficient State Abstraction and Run-Time Monitoring of Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Control Systems with its coautor Peter Ulbrich (previously at the chair, now professor in Dortmund).

Besides the conference, historical parts of Vienna were visited. This included eating a Sachertorte at Café Hawelka, an art exhibition at Oberes Belvedere and the conference dinner at Heuriger Mayer am Pfarrplatz. This added, besides the conference itself, the possibility to connect with other researchers from the area of real-time systems.