ergoo Group
ergoo Erlangen Research Group on Distributed Objects and Operating Systems
As the name says, the ergoo Group focuses on distributed objects and operating systems. It runs multiple projects in that area. The ergoo Group is part of the Informatik 4. ergoo is pronounced like the latin word ergo.Members
Head of Department: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rüdiger Kapitza
Group Leaders: PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Tobias Distler, Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Kleinöder, Dr.-Ing. Volkmar Sieh, Dr.-Ing. Peter Wägemann
Researchers and PhD Students: see Team page
Date | Title | Speaker |
2025-03-25 | BA-Vortrag: MESy-BFT: A Memory-Efficient Synchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerant Library for Highly Resource-Constrained Systems | Jonas Rauch |
2025-03-04 | Statusbericht: Optimized Architectures and Algorithms for Blockchain and IoT-based Applications | Khouloud HWERBI |
2025-02-04 | BA-Vortrag: Stärkung der Sicherheit in Rust-Programmen durch semantische Analyse | Conner Siebert |
2025-01-28 | BA-Vortrag: Splitting library function calls in Rust as if they were regular function calls | Benjamin Haag |
2025-01-28 | MA-Vortrag: Comparison of bytecodes for constrained devices | Lennart Paepcke |
2025-01-21 | BA-Vortrag: Locking in JITTY | Jens Fischer |
2025-01-16 | Probevortrag: Locking in JITTY | Jens Fischer |
2025-01-14 | MA-Vortrag: Automatic Benchmark Generation for Retargeting Real-Time Motion Control between Multi-Core Processors | Berfin Üstün |
2025-01-07 | Statusbericht: Trustworthy Execution of 5G Components | Jana Eisoldt |
2024-12-10 | Statusbericht: Holistic Approaches to Performance Optimization in Decentralized Systems: A Study of Hyperledger Fabric | Jeeta Chacko |
2024-12-03 | MA-Vortrag: Carbon-Aware Systemd Timers | Michael Gebhard |
2024-11-19 | Bericht: Referenzzähler-Checks für JITTY | Ole Wiedemann |
2024-11-13 | Statusbericht: Systematic comparison of software fault mitigation techniques | Fiona Broemer |
2024-11-12 | MA-Vortrag: watwa-os | Tobias Häberlein |
2024-11-12 | Vortrag Masterprojekt: Dynamic Software Updates under Real-Time Linux | Martin Michelis |
2024-11-05 | Bericht: JVM im Linux Kernel | Lukas Rotsching |
2024-10-31 | Probevortrag: HotInfra (Short Talk): Towards Static Analysis of Interrupt Blocking Times | Thomas Preisner |
2024-10-31 | Probevortrag: HotInfra (Short Talk): Delayed Privilege Escalation for Fast System Calls | Maximilian Ott |
2024-10-29 | Probevortrag: HotInfra (Short Talk): Static Analysis of Interrupt Delays in Operating System Kernels | Thomas Preisner |
2024-10-29 | Vortrag Masterprojekt: Balu Literatur | Arbi Akbulatov |
2024-10-22 | MA-Vortrag: Compiler-Optimierungen | Christian Halder |
2024-10-17 | Probevortrag: Compiler-Optimierungen | Christian Halder |
2024-10-15 | Probevortrag: FGBS | Phillip Raffeck |
2024-10-15 | Probevortrag: FGBS: Not Right Now!,Collaborative Overload Prevention for Replicated Services | Laura Lawniczak |
2024-10-08 | BA-Vortrag: A Virtual Non-Volatile Heap for Embedded Systems in Rust | Markus Gerber |
2024-10-02 | Statusbericht: Pre-Presentation | Phillip Raffeck |
2024-09-26 | BA-Vortrag: VulnWASM | Lasse Krähmer |
2024-09-12 | Probevortrag: NEON-Vortrag für SPP | Thomas Preisner |
2024-09-11 | MA-Statusbericht: Comparison of bytecodes for constrained devices | Lennart Paepcke |
2024-09-04 | Gastvortrag:: Empowering users in Online services | Pierre Louis Aublin |
2024-08-30 | BA-Vortrag: A Rust-based Alternative to BPF | Ben Kowol |
2024-08-28 | Probevortrag: Mitigating Spectre-PHT using Speculation Barriers in Linux eBPF (LPC'24) | Luis Gerhorst |
2024-08-21 | MA-Vortrag: GenerousHost | Steve Pegouen |
2024-08-20 | Probevortrag: VeriFence: Lightweight and Precise Spectre Defenses for Untrusted Linux Kernel Extentions | Luis Gerhorst |
2024-08-07 | MA-Vortrag:: IRQ-Locking Analyse | Jonathan Krebs |
2024-07-18 | Probevortrag: IRQ-Locking Analyse | Jonathan Krebs |
2024-07-17 | MA-Statusbericht: WatwaOS-Statusvortrag | Tobias Häberlein |
2024-07-17 | MA-Vortrag:: WasmEye | Alexander Sztekely-Schenker |
2024-07-16 | BA-Vortrag: Conception and Implementation of a Flight Recorder System for Autonomous Drones based on ArduPilot | Benedikt Nerb |
2024-07-16 | Vortrag Masterprojekt:: Neue System-Calls für JITTY | Milan Stephan |
2024-07-10 | Statusbericht:: Pre-Presentation PhD Laura | Laura Lawniczak |
2024-07-10 | Gastvortrag:: Leander Jehl | Leander Jehl |
2024-07-10 | Probevortrag: Neue System-Calls JITTY | Milan Stephan |
2024-07-09 | MA-Vortrag: A code optimizing JIT compiler for LLVM, designed for bare metal operation | Christian Schabesberger |
2024-07-03 | Gastvortrag:: Enhancing Security in Trusted Execution Environments through Program Partitioning | Peterson Yuhala |
2024-07-03 | MA-Vortrag:: PatchBFT | Sebastian Schwarzmann |
2024-06-26 | Probevortrag: Crêpe: Clock-Reconfiguration–Aware Preemption Control in Real-Time Systems with Devices | Eva Dengler |
2024-06-25 | BA-Vortrag: Baumbasierte Anomalieerkennung für WebAssembly | Kevin Mai |
2024-06-13 | Probevortrag: A code optimizing JIT compiler for LLVM, designed for bare metal operation | Christian Schabesberger |
2024-06-12 | BA-Vortrag: Implementing an Address Sanitizer Runtime for x86-64 Kernel Development | Julian Zboril |
2024-06-05 | Probevortrag: WoCA: Avoiding Intermittent Execution in Embedded,Systems by Worst-Case Analyses with Device States | Phillip Raffeck |
2024-05-29 | BA-Vortrag: Treiberinterface JITTY | Max Schleifer |
2024-05-15 | Probevortrag: Treiberinfrastruktur JITTY | Max Schleifer |
2024-05-08 | BA-Vortrag: Design and Implementation of a Hardware-Agnostic Communication Layer for PBFT | Nils Jansen |
2024-04-17 | MA-Vortrag: Power-Aware Scheduling of Intermittent Systems with Energy-Storage Considerations | Sven Posner |
2024-03-28 | BA-Vortrag: Static Analysis of Operating-System Interrupt Latencies | Kevin Kollenda |
2024-03-15 | MA-Vortrag: Statische Analyse von WebAssembly | Jannik Schütz |
2024-02-22 | Probevortrag: Software-based Memory Consistency Mechanisms for Non-Coherent Many-Core Systems | Tobias Langer |
2024-02-22 | Vortrag Masterprojekt: RuStuBS: Ein Rustport von MPStuBS für die Lehre | Paul Bergmann |
2024-02-15 | MA-Vortrag: Tool-Supported Architecture Transformation of Neural-Network Applications under Real-Time Constraints | Stefan Bauer |
2024-02-08 | Bericht: A Framework to Support Safety in Autonomous Systems and Achievements during my stay at FAU | Leonardo Passig Horstmann |
2024-02-08 | Bericht: On the Specification and Verification of Safety Properties in Data-driven Critical Systems: Achievements during my stay at FAU | José Luis Conradi Hoffmann |
2024-02-08 | Gastvortrag: Einführung in Zenodo | Jürgen Rohrwild |
2024-02-01 | BA-Vortrag: Extending the fauccc Compiler with Code Documentation Verification | Sebastian Rußer |
2024-01-25 | BA-Vortrag: Treiberunterstützung für X11 in JITTY | Jonas Pfister |
2024-01-18 | Probevortrag: X11-Support für JITTY | Jonas Pfister |
2024-01-11 | Vortrag Masterprojekt: mkip: A DHCP-Client in Rust | Lorena Kretzschmar |
2023-12-07 | Probevortrag: Probevortrag | Michael Eischer |
2023-12-07 | MA-Vortrag: (Zwischenpräsentation) Improving Static Call Graph Analysis for WebAssembly | Jannik Schütz |
2023-11-30 | BA-Vortrag: Sicherer, isolierter und direkter Zugriff auf PCI-Geräte aus dem User-Space mittels Memory-Mapping und Interrupt-Weiterleitung in JITTY OS | Philipp Brügmann |
2023-10-05 | Vortrag Masterprojekt: JITTY Tickless Kernel | Michael Gebhard |
2023-09-28 | BA-Vortrag: Anomalieerkennung in WebAssembly | Viktor Klein |
2023-09-28 | BA-Vortrag: NVRAM-Dateisystem für JITTY | Philipp Gerlesberger |
2023-09-27 | BA-Vortrag: Stream-based Chain Replication | Marc Dietzel |
2023-09-21 | Probevortrag: JITTY NVRAM-Dateisystem | Philipp Gerlesberger |
2023-09-21 | Probevortrag: JITTY Tickless Kernel | Michael Gebhard |
2023-09-14 | Probevortrag:: Anomalieerkennung in WebAssembly | Viktor Klein |
2023-09-07 | BA-Vortrag: Supporting Browser-Based Remote Attestation | Luca Preibsch |
2023-08-03 | Vortrag Masterprojekt: NV-Allokator | Ole Wiedemann |
2023-07-06 | Vortrag Masterprojekt: JITTY-Hotplugging | Tobias Häberlein |
2023-06-29 | Probevortrag: JITTY-Hotplugging | Tobias Häberlein |
2023-06-22 | Probevortrag: Luci - Loader-based Dynamic Software Updates for Off-the-shelf Shared Objects | Bernhard Heinloth |
2023-06-21 | Probevortrag: NV-Allokator | Ole Wiedemann |
2023-05-25 | Interne Diskussion: EuroSys'23 Recap | Rüdiger Kapitza |
2023-05-11 | MA-Vortrag: Avoiding Intermittent Execution by Utilizing Worst-Case Resource-Consumption Bounds | Johannes Maier |
2023-05-04 | Interne Diskussion: Einführung Infrastruktur | AODS-Team |
2023-04-27 | Probevortrag: PaPoC 2023: Generic Checkpointing Support for Stream-based State-Machine Replication | Laura Lawniczak |
2023-04-26 | Gastvortrag: SmartData: a Data-centric Approach to the Design of Safety-Critical Systems | Antônio Augusto Fröhlich |
2023-03-23 | Vortrag Masterprojekt: Sichere E-Mails mit TEE-Mail | Gabriel Dengler |
2023-03-16 | Probevortrag: On the Specification and Verification of Safety Properties in Data-driven Critical Systems | José Luis Conradi Hoffmann |
2023-03-16 | Probevortrag: A Framework to Support Safety in Autonomous Systems | Leonardo Horstmann |
2023-03-03 | Probevortrag: TEE-PR and SplitBFT | Ines Messadi |
2023-02-24 | MA-Vortrag: splice und vmsplice in JITTY | Kilian Bender |
2023-02-17 | Probevortrag: splice und vmsplice in JITTY | Kilian Bender |
2023-02-17 | Vortrag Projektarbeit: USB-Support für Raspberry Pi in JITTY | Zacharias Zeiler |
2023-02-10 | Probevortrag: USB-Support für Raspberry Pi in JITTY | Zacharias Zeiler |
2023-02-03 | MA-Vortrag: Unterstützung asynchroner Clients in byzantinisch fehlertoleranten Systemen | Christian Brosch |
2023-01-27 | MA-Vortrag: IPv6 für JITTY | Nikolas Koesling |
2023-01-27 | BA-Vortrag: Runtime for JIT | Ferdinand Schober |
2022-12-21 | MA-Vortrag: Optimizing Read Performance in Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Systems | Katharina Reif |
2022-12-16 | MA-Vortrag: Hardware/Software Co-Design for a Self-Sufficient Communication Platform with Energy-Harvesting Support | Johannes Künel |
2022-12-09 | MA-Vortrag: Improving Recovery Support for State-Machine Replication on Stream-Processing Systems | Marco Ammon |
2022-11-25 | Vortrag Masterprojekt: Profiling des JITTY-Kernels | Christian Schabesberger |
2022-11-04 | BA-Vortrag: CIL-Bare-Metal-JIT | Stefan Saecherl |
2022-10-28 | Probevortrag: SplitBFT | Ines Messadi |
2022-10-21 | MA-Vortrag: Clock-Tree–Aware Resource-Consumption Models for Embedded SoC Platforms | Eva Dengler |
2022-10-14 | Probevortrag: EventChain | Signe Rüsch |
2022-09-16 | MA-Vortrag: Static Analyzer für JITTY-OS | Tobias Heineken |
2022-09-16 | BA-Vortrag: Namespaces in JITTY-OS | Paul Bergmann |
2022-08-26 | BA-Vortrag: JITTY-OS mit BSD-Support | Nicolai Fischer |
2022-08-26 | MA-Vortrag: Automatische Generierung von JIT-Compilern | Chris Hinze |
2022-08-24 | Probevortrag: Probevortrag | Chris Hinze |
2022-07-29 | MA-Vortrag: Elevating System Requests to First-Class Citizens of,Work-Stealing Concurrency Platforms | Florian Fischer |
2022-07-29 | MA-Vortrag: Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines Prädiktionsmodells für den Energiebedarf von Machine Learning Pipelines auf einem eingebetteten System | Jakob Schubert |
2022-07-01 | Probevortrag: Probevortrag | Peter Wägemann |
2022-06-24 | MA-Vortrag: Dynamic Reconfiguration of Hardware-Vulnerability Mitigations in the Linux Kernel | Henriette Paulina Hofmeier |
2022-06-24 | BA-Vortrag: Netzwerkeffiziente Nachrichtenübertragung zwischen Standorten eines byzantinisch fehlertoleranten Protokolls | Tawfeek Al-Sheikh |
2022-06-10 | Vortrag Masterprojekt: Integration eines byzantinisch fehlertoleranten Einigungsprotokolls in Hyperledger Fabric | Johannes Maier |
2022-06-03 | Vortrag Masterprojekt: Dynamic Migration Decisions in Litmus^RT | Maximilian Wagner |
2022-06-03 | MA-Vortrag: Enabling Predictable Migration in Real-Time Capable Generic Operating Systems | Tobias Konopik |
2022-05-13 | Vortrag Masterprojekt: Verteiltes Tracing von BFT-Protokollen | Marco Ammon |
2022-04-29 | Vortrag Masterprojekt: Analyse von Schwachstellen in der BFT-SMaRt Bibliothek | Christian Brosch |
2022-04-22 | MA-Vortrag: RISCV64-Port von JITTY-OS | Markus Wich |
2022-04-08 | MA-Vortrag: IOMMU-Support JITTY | Maximilian Ott |
2022-04-08 | MA-Vortrag: Untersuchung der Gültigkeit von Kontrollflussbeziehungsgraphen in Gegenwart optimierender Programmtransformationen | Michael Gördes |