Fachgruppentreffen ’24 in Stuttgart

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This year’s Herbsttreffen of the SYS division took place at the University of Stuttgart on October 24 and 25. On October 24, the Fachgruppen “Betriebssysteme” (FGBS) and “Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme” (KuVS) first met for a joint meeting, at which the Townhall Meeting of the SYS department took place after a round of 8 pitch talks. On October 25, the specialist group “Operating Systems” then met for its specialist group meeting, at which seven talks from the field of operating systems and distributed systems were presented. Our department presented two papers here:
  • Phillip Raffeck presented his research under the title “A System Engineer’s View on the Battery-Free Internet of Things”.
  • Laura Lawniczak presented her work, which will also be presented at Middleware’24, entitled “Not Right Now! Collaborative Overload Prevention for Replicated Services”.