
On March 7, Tobias Langer successfully defended his dissertation Software-based Memory Consistency Mechanisms for Non-Coherent Many-Core Systems, which he wrote as part of the Transregional Collaborative Research Center Invasive Computing. In addition to his doctoral supervisor Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sc...

From February 27 to 29, the staff of the Chairs of Computer Science 4 and 16 met for a joint retreat at Kloster Schwanberg. The participants presented insights into their past year and their research work. The topics were discussed in group and new ideas were generated. The days were rounded off ...

Just before Christmas, on Wednesday, December 20th, Michael Eischer successfully defended his dissertation Geo-Replicated Byzantine Fault-Tolerant State-Machine Replication with Low Latency on the reduction of latency and latency variants of Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) systems in a geo-replicated...

On Tuesday, December 5, students and staff met up with their partners for a Christmas party at the Aquarium. The past year was reviewed in a convivial atmosphere with excellent dishes and desserts as well as the usual hot drinks for this time of year. The evening was rounded off, in keeping with tr...

On Friday, Andreas Ziegler successfully defended his dissertation Automated Tailoring of System Software Stacks on the application-oriented tailoring of Linux kernel and userspace in Hannover. Since his doctoral supervisor Prof. Daniel Lohmann joined Leibniz Universität Hannover in 2017, Andreas was...

Members of the I4's research staff have recently visited this year's ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP'23) in Koblenz. Various talks from different areas of systems research have been presented and discussed at the main conference. Further, I4 staff member Maximilian Ott has pr...

Just in time before the new term starts, Prof. Pascal Felber in cooperation with  ETH Zürich and co-organizers Prof. Rüdiger Kapitza and Prof. Christof Fetzer invite to a Workshop at Monte Verità. From our chair Prof. Rüdiger Kapitza, Thomas Preisner and Maxim Ritter von Onciul participated in the w...

After more than 20 years as a full professor at the Chair of Computer Science 4 at FAU, Professor Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat, called wosch, will begin his retirement on October 1. His career began at TU Berlin, where he studied computer science from 1975 to 1981, and earned his doctora...

On September 28 and 29, Michael Engel invited to this year's fall meeting of the Operating Systems Group at the Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg. Under the heading From Programming Languages to Operating Systems, six sessions with a total of 19 presentations provided enough space to discuss the ...