GI Women and Computer Science 2023 Award for Henriette Hofmeier

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All good things come in twos: Once again, our former student employee Henriette Hofmeier was able to win a sponsorship award with her master thesis on the topic “Dynamic Reconfiguration of Hardware-Vulnerability Mitigations in the Linux Kernel”, this time the Preis der Fachgruppe Frauen und Technik 2023 of the German Informatics Society e.V. (GI) 2023. The thesis was supervised by Timo Hönig, former postdoc at the chair and since 2020 holder of the Professorship for Operating Systems and System Software at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB). The award ceremony will take place during the annual meeting of the Fachgruppe Frauen und Informatik on the topic “Digitale Souveränität” held in Berlin on April 22, 2023.