SPiCboard library API documentation
This is the API documentation for the SPiCboard library. The library offers the following modules to access the different hardware parts on the board:
- 7seg (Seven Segment Display) - control the two 7-segment displays
- ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) - query the state of the potentiometer and the photosensor (connected to A/D converters internally)
- Button - access the two buttons (both event-driven and polling-based)
- LED access - control the state of the eight LEDs
- Serial Communication - connect with another SPiCboard using serial communication
- Timer module - register alarm events with the hardware timers
- OLED Display - use an optional 128×64 OLED display
- Serial Console - connect to a serial console for in- and output
Additional documentation
The following links offer additional documentation for the hardware and software environment in use:
- avr-libc Documentation
- C-Einführungsbuch "C als erste Programmiersprache": verfügbar bei Springerlink online.
- "The New C Standard: An Economic and Cultural Commentary" C-Standard mit Kommentaren.
- AVR-GCC-Tutorial on mikrocontroller.net (German)
- GDB reference card