Go to the documentation of this file.
29 * For additional details please have a look into the <a href="SSD1306.pdf">SSD1306 Datasheet</a>.
36 * on the Xplained Mini Board -- especially connecting PC3 with PC4 -- or the connection to your display
37 * might stop (it stalls until you restart it, the LED on the Xplained Mini Board can indicate the error).
126 int8_t sb_display_drawBitmap(uint8_t pageStart, uint8_t colStart, uint8_t pageCount, uint8_t colCount, const uint8_t * contents);
162 * <a href="">Linux kernel</a>
256 * <a href="">Named-Address-Space</a>
260 * you have to use the <a href="">Program Space Utilities</a>
262 * and not only tag the variables with the \c PROGMEM keywords but although use the \c pgm_read_byte function to access them.
287 * namespace or <a href="">PROGMEM</a> macro)
293 int8_t sb_display_drawBitmapFromFlash(uint8_t pageStart, uint8_t colStart, uint8_t pageCount, uint8_t colCount, const __flash uint8_t *contents);
295 int8_t sb_display_drawBitmapFromFlash(uint8_t pageStart, uint8_t colStart, uint8_t pageCount, uint8_t colCount, const uint8_t * PROGMEM contents);
311 * namespace or <a href="">PROGMEM</a> macro)
332 * <a href="">Program Space Utilities</a>:
355 int8_t sb_display_showStringFromFlash(uint8_t pageNum, uint8_t colStart, const __flash char *str);
357 int8_t sb_display_showStringFromFlash(uint8_t pageNum, uint8_t colStart, const char * PROGMEM str);
381 int8_t sb_display_showStringWideFromFlash(uint8_t pageNum, uint8_t colStart, const __flash char *str);
383 int8_t sb_display_showStringWideFromFlash(uint8_t pageNum, uint8_t colStart, const char * PROGMEM str);
407 int8_t sb_display_showStringSmallFromFlash(uint8_t pageNum, uint8_t colStart, const __flash char *str);
409 int8_t sb_display_showStringSmallFromFlash(uint8_t pageNum, uint8_t colStart, const char * PROGMEM str);
int8_t sb_display_drawBitmapFromFlash(uint8_t pageStart, uint8_t colStart, uint8_t pageCount, uint8_t colCount, const __flash uint8_t *contents)
Draw a bitmap from the flash memory onto the OLED display.
int8_t sb_display_fillScreenFromFlash(const __flash uint8_t *contents)
Draw the contents of the flash to the entire OLED display screen.
int8_t sb_display_showStringWideFromFlash(uint8_t pageNum, uint8_t colStart, const __flash char *str)
Print a \0 terminated text string from flash with a (slightly) wider 8×8 pixel font onto the OLED dis...
int8_t sb_display_showStringFromFlash(uint8_t pageNum, uint8_t colStart, const __flash char *str)
Print a \0 terminated text string from flash on the OLED display using a 8×8 pixel font.
int8_t sb_display_showStringSmallFromFlash(uint8_t pageNum, uint8_t colStart, const __flash char *str)
Print a \0 terminated text string from flash on the OLED display using a small 6×4 pixel font.
int8_t sb_display_showStringSmall(uint8_t pageNum, uint8_t colStart, const char *str)
Print a \0 terminated text string on the OLED display using a small 6×4 pixel font.
int8_t sb_display_fillScreen(const uint8_t *contents)
Draw the contents of a 8*128 item 8-bit array (8 pages with 128 columns, each filled with 8 bit) onto...
int8_t sb_display_drawBitmap(uint8_t pageStart, uint8_t colStart, uint8_t pageCount, uint8_t colCount, const uint8_t *contents)
Draw a (rectangular) bitmap onto the OLED display.
int8_t sb_display_showStringWide(uint8_t pageNum, uint8_t colStart, const char *str)
Print a \0 terminated text string with a (slightly) wider 8×8 pixel font onto the OLED display.
int8_t sb_display_showString(uint8_t pageNum, uint8_t colStart, const char *str)
Print a \0 terminated text string on the OLED display using a 8×8 pixel font.
int8_t sb_display_draw(uint8_t pageNum, uint8_t colNum, uint8_t content)
Draw a single page segment onto the OLED display.